More about me


Design system nerd. Passionate about accessibility and inclusivity. Big-hearted. Good-humored. Listener. Observer. Player of the long game.

I'm looking to join a design team rooted in user research and altruism.

Why UX?

Throughout my career my aim has always been to help people by building digital products that meet their needs and good intentions. I became a UX designer because it was the logical next step for me — a synthesis of the skills I've gathered while working in visual journalism, graphic design and as a creative project manager.

I love UX design because at the very least, when it's good, it can help remove the stress of a confusing or frustrating user experience. At its best it can give people easier access to information. That information can transform into empowerment and self-advocacy.

If along the way we're also able to create things that look and feel good, even beautiful, that's a cherry on top. 

How has my experience in visual journalism helped me as a designer?

  • I know how to listen to users objectively and with empathy

  • I'm driven to work for a greater good

  • I am able to tie the details into the big picture

  • I know that good storytelling and simple, uncluttered visuals engage users best

  • I'm tuned into brand identity and know how to align content strategy to it

  • I know how products (big, complicated products) are developed, launched and sustained

  • I've learned how to be the person with whom people want to work